Enchance with New System Operations , better Data Presentations, More Secure, Fast and Effective. Free from Bugs and Errors.
The Program is wholly sructured upon the prime priniciple of functions to reduce the length and increase the efficiency of the Project.
Every Step Taken by the user is check to reduce the risk of bug formation or any error causing fault operations.
As Easy as possible become the sole motto to make the user friendly with the program to reduce toughness.
The libraries which are prefers in this program are :
The project is completed by achieving all the basics standards of the banking, all the fcilities provided by the bank in their E-Banking are taken into Account to achieve the motto.
The Monietry Transactions like transaction based upon bmone bases e.g fund transfer, deducting and adding money (by the bankers), and Physical Transactions like Virtual A/C Statement, ATM Active/Deactive facilities, all are included in this project.
Set the Connection with MySQL by changing its default password i.e. mansion with your MySQL Command Client Password and connect to available database.
Now simply run the code ypu will find it working. Check the Tables in DevBank database to make sure about its performance.
Make Sure that You have downloaded the file name Licensing.csv, and it should be at same location where your main program i.e. devbank.ipynb exist.
Check the top most line of the program and identify which libraries you already have or not to make the program executable.
The Staff like Manager, Teller and Cashier are already define in the Staff Table under DevBank Database of MySQL. You need to use that only unless you add your own staff with seperate post.
Following Directories | Folders will also get generated when you Run the Code :